you’re sensible, you’ve noticed by now that there are many things that make me mad.
However, I believe that unless you have a sick amount of talent, a zine filled with nothing but bitching and moaning would be dull and ineffective. Thus, I have decided to
spare you the burden of listening to me rant
endlessly by doing what any responsible zine maker seeking to take up space
would do. For your reading pleasure, I have compiled a condensed list of stuff
that makes me bitter: namely stupid things, stupid ideas and stupid people. Unfortunately, you might recognize quite a
few of the items.
@. Classified ads placed by morons. In a recent issue of the mediocre free
weekly NY Press, a “Situation Wanted”
ad requested a “travel companion” and translator to guide a Moscow excursion
with “men up to 60 for trip to meet young beautiful women & more.” Ick, I thought, more gross old codgers
seeking desperate young women in the third world. I turned the page and strangely
enough, there’s another ad under “Models Wanted”: “fiction writer will teach
interested females how to write” short stories and such. It then reads, “can
also teach you Russian in exchange for your passion to learn ... would like to
learn Spanish but not a must.” Of
course, it’s completely free of charge and non-smokers are preferred. How
incredibly sad. Not only is this imbecile’s scheme completely transparent
(simultaneously teaching Russian, “learning Spanish” and giving writing
lessons—to models?), but this fucker nonchalantly gave out the same phone
number for both the model writing program and the Russian sex business
(718-604-0975 if you’re feeling audacious).
I’m not trying to be the moral guardian here, but if you’re going to run
a goddamn prostitution ring, at least put as much brains into it as balls.
#. Bob Dole
lecturing America on erectile
dysfunction. My god, what is the world coming to? Fuck you to whichever major television network decided that this
wrinkled, over-the-hill politician proclaiming that he can’t get it up was worth
thirty seconds of prime time. As if we
didn’t already know that he’s about as impotent physically as he is
%. People
who still think that there’s a significant ideological difference between Democrats and Republicans.
&. The
media, which just can’t get enough of the Kennedys and insisted
on playing up the idiotically tragic death of a regular guy as some pivotal
event in history. Meanwhile, subjects
that get virtually no coverage whatsoever include:
The Iraqi sanctions that have been impoverishing
and killing tens of thousands of civilians for almost a decade, including
horrific numbers of children, even as America pats itself on the back for
championing “humanitarian interests” by royally fouling up the Balkans and
berating the human rights policies of developing nations.
Our prison system, fed by a criminal
justice system that targets minorities and the urban poor, as it continues to
brutalize people, fill inmates with rage (that will in many cases be taken out
on society once they are free), disenfranchise youth, and rapidly overcrowd.
egregious failure of the INS to protect the civil liberties of illegal
immigrants while enforcing an immigration policy that sanctions incarceration,
gross mistreatment and inhumane living conditions. Yes, illegal immigrants are essentially breaking the law, but a
little something called the Bill of Rights provides that even illegal aliens
are entitled to a certain amount of freedom once they set foot on American
soil. (Learn more about legislation currently
circulating through Congress that would repeal the most reactionary
anti-immigration measures).
~!. Various teenybopper fuckheads like Britney “I’m-underaged-but-tantalising”
Spears, ‘Nsync and others who make Vanilla Ice look original by displaying
little to no talent and using lots of skillful marketing to attract horny
suburbanites with fat wallets and few brain cells.
*$. Woodstock ‘99, the most insipid,
generic, wasteful exhibition of how “counterculture” has gone from dumb
mainstream dross to even dumber, even more mainstream dross. Gone are the trendily peace-loving
tree-huggers of the ‘60s. Here come a
bunch of worthless, frat boy-like turds that like to beleaguer female
performers with cries of “Show us your tits!”
Yeah. Nice piercing. Very rebellious. The event ended in a large riot, which was equally contrived and
unentertaining. A fitting finale to an
epitome of the cultural vacuum that is the generation most deserving to be
disowned by the human race.
And last but not least . . . hypocrites
who complain about the flaws of others while ignoring the fact that everyone is
stupid not just sometimes, but constantly.
For instance, in only the past month, I have:
Picked at various scabs until they
bled, waited for them to start to heal, and then continued to pick them.
Mistaken a ceramic kitten lawn ornament
from afar for “a cute little kitty,” and would have pet it had other people
around me not burst into fits of derisive laughter.
Defying laws of physics with my
vulgarity, picked my nose and played the piano simultaneously.
Ah. That was
refreshing. You should try it some
time, really. Now, go back to Cain for more
glaring optimism.